8 Crazy Romantic Gestures In Movies (That Would Never Happen In Real Life)

5. Breakfast At Tiffany's

Breakfast-at-Tiffany-s So maybe you are over this whole "love" thing, and you'd rather devote yourself to your sibling who's fighting a war overseas. (Understandable considering you've barely escaped your redneck husband you married at 13). But when a man comes along that you're actually interested in, the best way to win him over is by pursuing any other man who has more money than him. Do whatever necessary to gain the interest of these men - even if you have to follow them to another country. If that doesn't work out, maybe your real man will show up with a cat in a cab and convince you to be with him. But probably not.

Hayley Swinson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.