8 Crazy Romantic Gestures In Movies (That Would Never Happen In Real Life)

4. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

loseaguyin10days Obviously I had to include a Matthew McConaughey movie to amp up the quality of this list (if you can't sense the sarcasm, you've never seen Matthew McConaughey act...oh wait, nobody has). There are so many things wrong with the progression of McConaughey and Kate Hudson's relationship in this film, it's almost not worth going into detail. First of all, who hires a couples' counselor one week after their first date? Chances are, they hadn't even talked about being exclusive yet. That's like me telling my match.com date #5 that we should get married because our profiles are a 98% match. And unless I'm drunk and down the street from a 24 hour chapel, it ain't gonna happen. However, I do love the whole love-fern thing. Go ahead and get your hubby a love-fern. He'll probably hate it, but do it anyway.

Hayley Swinson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.