8 Deleted Movie Scenes That Completely Change Classic Characters

2. J. Jonah Jameson Dresses Up As Spider-Man - Spider-Man 2

J.J. Jameson Spidey Suit Spider-Man 2
Sony Pictures

What's the last thing you'd imagine J.J. Jameson ever doing? How about dressing up as his arch-nemesis, Spider-Man, and living up some weird, perverted fantasy within the confines of his office? No, that's just too crazy, isn't it? There's no world in which such a thing would have ever happened... right?

Um... check this out:

For some bizarre, incalculable reason, the filmmakers behind Spider-Man 2, an otherwise perfect comic book film, flirted with the idea of having J. Jonah Jameson costuming up and having a go at being everyone's favourite web-slinger, jumping around his office.

This is... well, this is a properly weird one, as far as deleted scenes go, isn't it? It almost has a sexual fetish edge to it, even, which makes it less hilarious and more uncomfortable to watch than most of the others. That director Sam Raimi actually stood behind the camera, instructing J.K. Simmons to leap onto his desk and knock over a pencil pot... wow.

The story behind this scene has Jameson paying a garbage man $100 dollars for the suit that Peter Parker throws away partway through the film; Spidey later steals it back, but this scene was created as a means of showing us what Jameson did with the suit after hours. You know, when he thought nobody was watching.

Like the radioactive spider that turned Peter Parker super, It's impossible to unsee this nightmarish vision of a scene once you've been exposed to it. There is no question as to why this was ultimately removed from the movie: it's ridiculous.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.