8 Deleted Scenes That Almost Completely Changed Their Movies

5. Aliens - Ripley's Daughter

Aliens Deleted Scene
20th Century Fox

Ever wonder why Ripely barely bats an eyelid after learning about her daughter's death during her time in stasis? Well, it turns out she had time to process her grief in a moment earlier on in the film, but it was taken out before the final movie hit our screens.

Ripley's development into a more feminine role and obvious maternal instinct towards Newt comes as a stark change to the almost genderless crew member in the original movie; and this scene functions as a heart-breaking way of introducing the film's themes. It humanises the woman that's been turned into a weapon, and perhaps explains her actions a little more deeply throughout the events of the movie. Showing her vulnerable and obviously upset by what's happened to her may be spelling this out too clearly however, and the film does a far better job of showing rather than telling overall.

In all honesty though, it's just a bit sad. No-one wants to see Sigourney Weaver cry, you monsters.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.