speculative casting couch session for the role of Stephen Strange showed that tone will be crucial in making the Sorcerer Supreme succeed on the Silver Screen. So more important than the man in the point-collared cape is the person behind the camera making sure the
Doctor Strange film is not torn apart by big egos and bigger effects. One-time Swinger Jon Favreau nailed the tone for Iron Man slyly having previously learned his way around effects movies like Zathura and Kenneth Branagh proved an unexpectedly apt choice for Thor, with Joe Johnston far exceeding expectations with Captain America: The First Avenger. Marvel are on a hot streak of hiring directors lately but which can keep the faithful comic fans happy and also bring magic to life without mainstream audiences looking for the hidden trap door. Here's our 8 top directing picks for who could bring Doctor Strange to life!
Strange Suggestion: Tim Burton

Yes, he took the superhero movie genre up a gear with his
Batman films. Yes, hes famous for finding conflicted characters amid surreal landscapes. But, perhaps more importantly,
Tim Burtons last film for Disney also made over a billion dollars at the box office so, if he were interested in the property, theres a good chance hes in Disneys good books enough to exchange a lot more creative control in exchange for the supposed lower budget. Heightening his story worlds with amazing designs and sympathetic characters, Tim Burton at the helm could be the draw for audiences potentially turned off by a comic book head trip. Especially if Tim Burtons involvement could lure a certain Mr
Johnny Depp on board as well, which it inevitably would. Burton/Depp combo would be a goldmine for Disney. And it's been too long since Burton adapted a comic book.
Strange Suggestion: Alex Proyas

Already impressing with grown up graphic novel adaptation
The Crow, blockbuster supremo
Alex Proyas then created his own
Dark City where Rufus Sewell could literally re-shape the world with his own strange powers. As well as sheer technical skill, style and bravado, Proyas has always used his effects shots to highlight emotion and character, especially when his heroes have suffered loss and mental collapse. Even more mainstream fare like the still-fun
I, Robot creates great empathy with its renegade machines and exhilarates rather than overwhelms with its set-pieces. With
Paradise Lost currently in development, Proyas is tackling otherworldly fantasy at its most ambitious, hopefully giving him the armour he needs for a potential summer tentpole. Plus we know he is a Marvel fan having previously been attached to a big screen spin-off of the Fantastic Four set around The Silver Surfer...
Strange Suggestion: Tarsem Singh

Anyone who has even seen a trailer heck, even a poster! for one of
Tarsems movies knows he possesses a rare eye for striking, flamboyant and near-psychedelic visuals, even if storytelling isnt regarded as his greatest strength. However, the script is already in the bag so hopefully there isnt too much tinkering to be done. And while his upcoming
Immortals looks like a cash-in on the commercial success of the Clash of the Titans remake, Tarsems previous film,
The Fall, was a lot more character and narrative-driven in a way far more reminiscent of Pans Labyrinth and Guillermo Del Toro. Speaking of whom...
Strange Suggestion: Guillermo Del Toro

There was a time when
Guillermo Del Toro was actually already in line to adapt
Doctor Strange with fantasy-supremo Neil Gaiman on writing duties. We can only assume this was before Del Toro signed up to direct every other movie being produced at the same time (where are you, Mountains of Madness?!) Still, we can always imagine. Del Toros incredible
Pans Labyrinth shows the perfect mesh of vivid fantasy and startling reality truly one of the few films whose realistic story strands were just as captivating as its fantastic elements. His
Hellboy movies, while never quite hitting all their marks, showed a steady hand when it came to keeping the fantasy fun, without having to ever wink to the audience. A Gaiman-scripted, Del Toro-directed Doctor Strange movie is perhaps the most promising on this list. Though we already know Marvel have most recently gone with a draft written by the writing duo behind the forthcoming Conan the Barbarian, so sadly, it's perhaps the most unlikely. Oh well.
Strange Suggestion: Matt Reeves
Matt Reeves Cloverfield artfully showed how big-scale effects could be done on a smaller budget and important on this list kept a giant, stompy monster feeling plausible and un-camp. Cloverfields success was down to the audience being tricked into thinking theyd seen more than they had, perhaps the secret magic of bringing Supreme Sorcery to the big screen is the same. Keep the CGI backstage and the smoke and mirrors up front. Reeves unfortunately unnecessary
Let Me In may have been met with derision from certain audiences, but it still demonstrated haunting atmospheres and excellent performances. Indeed, the best bits of the film were where Reeves veered away from the source material and did something new (Richard Jenkins failed murder from the back seat, Elias Koteas foolishly exploring Abbys bathroom). With the potential for demons and astral projection, Reeves seems a strong contender to bring a new kind of superhero to the screen and make new fans of fantasy.
Strange Suggestion: Darren Aronofsky

He was going to do
Batman: Year One. Then he was going to do
The Wolverine. But were still waiting for
Darren Aronofskys first superhero opus. All we do know is that he pushes actors towards great, if not career-best, performances and if
The Fountain alone isnt proof of his imaginative concepts and set-pieces suited for inter-dimensional magic, then I dont know what is. While we probably wont know what really caused Aronofsky to leave The Wolverine, its fair to say that the X-Franchise has had trouble in the past keeping directors due to the tight reigns being kept on this (extremely profitable) film series. Maybe a second-tier hero and less-risky budget would be the perfect way for Aronofsky to throw his hat in the superhero ring. Maybe even drawing the first Oscar nod for a comic book character while hes at it!
Strange Suggestion: Duncan Jones

With his haunting debut
Moon and breakneck follow-up
Source Code each demonstrating a distinctive tone and lofty ambition,
Duncan Jones always appears as a director you want to keep your eye on. Shortlisted to direct the Christopher Nolan-produced
Man of Steel and in the running to replace Darren Aronofsky helming
The Wolverine, maybe third times the charm for Duncan Jones especially with a more psychedelic and psychological hero. While I know its lazy to always point out that hes the son of
David Bowie (who by the way would have made a great Strange back in the day!), I cant help but already hear a few Ziggy Stardust tunes on the soundtrack.
Strange Suggestion: Michel Gondry

The Green Hornet may have spent years in development hell (to the extent that it was meant to be Gondrys debut film back in 1997) and then fallen flat, its
Michel Gondrys other dreamlike movies such as
The Science of Sleep and the exceptional
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which make Gondry a possibility for a much more mystical take on the superhero. While there are any number of directors who can create films with lavish fantasy (read CGI) backgrounds, it is Gondrys ability with the right actors to always keep one foot in the fantastic and the other grounded. While Ive no doubt that the new script will call for special effects hell-beasties to threaten our reality, its the fact that a human will be facing them that requires a director like Gondry to make the actor seem the powerful feature amid the pixels and differentiate this Marvel title from, for example, The Incredible Hulk. It seems to be getting easier to fill our screens with special effects magic, but it takes the right director to make sure that magician himself stays the focus of an enthralling story. If not one of the eight above, do you have another choice up your sleeve?