8 Disconcerting Things About The New Jurassic World Trailer

8. The Plot Looks Incredibly Kid-Heavy

Okay, so we all know that one of the fundamental aspects of any given Jurassic Park movie tends to hinge on the fact that there are kids, and the kids are targeted by dinosaurs, and that's supposed to give the movie an added "family" element or something. Still, was anybody hoping that we wouldn't have quite so much annoying kid stuff in Jurassic World? From this trailer, it appears as though kids are the main characters. We can make an educated guess on that based on the way the plot seems to be positioned on the idea that two brothers go to Jurassic World, have a great time looking at all the cool dinosaurs, before something goes horribly wrong and... well, you get the idea. Thus far, all the kids in Jurassic Park have been really annoying (yes, that includes Timmy and Lex, too); let's hope these mop-haired brats are more bearable.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.