8 Disney Villains Who Weren't Actually That Evil

1. Scar Tried To Save An Entire Species

Scar Lion King

"It's the circle of life, Simba. You must respect every creature, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope...except for the hyenas - screw the hyenas!"

This is basically what Mufasa means at the beginning of The Lion King when he talks about the circle of life. Sure, it sounds good in practice, but Mufasa is a bit of a hypocrite - he banished the hyenas so far from the rest of the savanna that they're literally starving. What did they do wrong? Were they eating lions? Isn't THAT the circle of life?

Which brings us to Scar - when Scar recruits the hyenas, he does so by promising food. Not only that, but we actually see him give them food, so it's not like it's an empty promise. Sure, he wants to be the leader of Pride Rock, but again - that's still the circle of life. Animals in the wild vie for power even between the same species.

I'm not saying Scar's a nice guy or anything, but it seems like Mufasa likes to throw around the old Circle when he's gutting gazelle and not when he's in any danger himself.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.