8 Disney Villains Who Weren't Actually That Evil

2. Stinky Pete Wants Woody To Live Forever (And To Save His Friend Jesse)

Scar Lion King
Disney Pixar

Sometimes it's tough to know what's in our own best interest. Placed in a situation and forced to make a decision, it's often better to ask for someone else's perspective. Like in Toy Story 2, when the "villainous" Stinky Pete explains to Woody the inevitability of his being forgotten by Andy.

Stinky Pete has firsthand experience with the harshness of reality, having been given away by the owner he used to love. So when he tells Woody their best fate would be for them to live forever in a museum in Japan, he means it.

Not only that, but he desperately wants to help his friend Jesse, too, who won't be accepted by the museum unless Woody accompanies her.

Stinky Pete might go too far in his attempts to change Woody's mind, but he's clearly been deeply hurt, and speaks candidly from a traumatic past. Pete needs help, nothing more - yet the toys treat him as if he's some sort of psychopath, refusing to ever concede that he's right - Andy will eventually forget them.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.