8 Disturbing Stephen King Book Moments That Were Cut From The Films

2. Stand By Me: The Zombie Nightmare

The Shining Jack Torrance
Columbia Pictures

Stand By Me is a coming-of-age classic and a touching ode to childhood friendship. The Stephen King short story it's based on, The Body, is much the same but it includes a chilling moment that didn't make it into the movie.

Allowing his horror roots to come to the fore, the author included a nightmare sequence where Gordie dreams that both Teddy and Vern are dead. So far, so depressing, but what happens next is truly disturbing. Their corpses become animated and attempt to drown Gordie.

For the film, director Rob Reiner swapped this night terror for a dream featuring Denny's funeral, which is bleak but not nearly as frightening.

The Body's ending is also grimmer than Stand By's bittersweet sign-off as it transpires that Gordie is the only one of the gang still alive.


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