8 Dream Star Wars Castings That NEED To Happen

7. Paul Giamatti As Hondo Ohnaka

Satine Cate
Lucasfilm/Walt Disney Pictures

Trying to find an actor to step into the role of a character who possesses the ability to charm you one minute and leave you cursing the day you ever met them the next is no mean feat.

But in the supremely diverse Paul Giamatti you unquestionably have that man and the actor perfectly suited to playing the part of Weequay pirate legend Hondo Ohnaka.

Despite not appearing on the live-action stage yet, this quick-thinking space pirate has already endeared himself to the masses through his always entertaining attempts to come home with a massive score and remarkable ability to routinely find himself at the centre of a perilous situation.

When the time comes to finally give the Clone Wars and Rebels figure said live-action treatment, few actors feel as well suited to the part of a despicable criminal with a heart of gold than a Giamatti having the time of his life chewing the space scenery.

It's a match made in heaven.

And with Hondo still being alive during the age of the New Republic and even during the time of the Sequel Trilogy, the always captivating star of everything from Billions to Jungle Cruise could realistically don the Weequay prosthetics and talk his way in and out of trouble in more than a few upcoming Lucasfilm projects.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...