8 Dream Star Wars Castings That NEED To Happen

4. Wyatt Russell Would Be Spot-On As Star Wars Rebels' Alexsandr Kallus

Satine Cate

Another celebrated Rebels character folks have been angling to see given the live-action treatment for what feels like forever, one-time Imperial Security Bureau agent Alexsandr Kallus feels like the sort of personality tailor-made to show up in something like the second season of Andor.

Over the course of the animated series, the conflicted Kallus becomes disenchanted with the Empire before eventually transitioning into the role of Rebel spy.

And with the initially cold but gloriously arrogant thorn in the Phoenix Squadron's side surviving the events of Rebels and continuing on as undercover agent Fulcrum in the time post-Liberation of Lothal, there's a strong possibility he could finally make his presence known in live-action during Andor season two.

Possessing the unmistakable blonde wavy locks and beard, along with the sort of one-time despicable antagonist determined to make up for the mistakes of their past energy that has established the redeemed soul as a cherished Star Wars figure, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier's U.S. Agent Wyatt Russell seems like a clear first choice for Kallus.

So, if he does appear as one of the incoming "surprising" cameos Tony Gilroy has hinted at (via Entertainment Weekly and The Direct) in the lead-up to season two, here's hoping it's Kallus lookalike Russell who pops up on Yavin IV alongside the likes of Mon Mothma and co.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...