8 Dream Star Wars Castings That NEED To Happen

1. Cate Blanchett (Duchess Satine Kryze)

Satine Cate
Lucasfilm/Searchlight Pictures

And while on the subject of the red-faced menace, it feels like one of Maul's many victims over the years also could finally be on the verge of being given the live-action treatment.

Or at least, that's what one of The Mandalorian, The Clone Wars, and Rebels stars is hoping.

Speaking on the Steve Varley Show, Bo-Katan Kryze actor Katee Sackhoff openly admitted that she wished they could talk about her character's sister Satine as part of the live-action Star Wars sphere, going as far as to state that she'd cast Cate Blanchett in the role of the pacifist Duchess who once ruled Mandalore.

Again, it's likely a Satine appearance would come in the form of a flashback cameo in something like The Mandalorian, with the ruler's emotional death in the Clone Wars having a monumental impact on Bo-Katan's life in particular.

Few would argue with Blanchett being an absolutely perfect shout to play the benevolent and determined leader who confessed her love for Obi-Wan Kenobi as she died in his arms should she ever make the live-action jump.

So, if Dave Filoni does ever opt to delve into Bo-Katan's past in live-action, why not offer Blanchett, who has publicly expressed interest in a Star Wars role, the chance to join yet another beloved franchise?

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