8 Dream Star Wars Castings That NEED To Happen

2. Sam Witwer As Maul

Satine Cate

While he may have technically made something of a live-action debut as the character already, the magnificent Sam Witwer still hasn't ever been given the opportunity to physically portray the captivating Maul on-screen.

Sure, his distinct voice definitely made a hell of an impact in that aforementioned Solo: A Star Wars story cameo, but who out there wouldn't love seeing the Clone Wars and Rebels voice actor getting to properly flex his Sith muscles in live-action as Maul?

And with Maul playing a significant role in the lives of characters like Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ezra Bridger - all of which have found a way into the live-action TV corner of the galaxy far, far away in recent times - it does feel like just a matter of time before this long-time cult favourite wanders back into the mix via flashback or maybe even as a more substantial supporting player.

Should that comeback become a reality then, Witwer finally getting a shot at adding some physical flavour to his epic performance as the Dathomirian would be both a bold and satisfying call.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...