8 Early Star Wars Character Designs You Won’t Believe

7. Chewbacca

Darth Vader Deisgns
Ralph McQuarrie / starwars.com

Han Solo's loyal sidekick Chewie didn't always resemble a walking rug.

George Lucas's original vision was that of a giant lemur-like being, and conceptual designer Ralph McQuarrie produced several sketches based on this brief.

It's easy to see why the creative team took a Lightsaber to these early blueprints, but McQaurrie pressed on undeterred and came up with an alternative Chewbacca based on the second draft of Star Wars: A New Hope.

This prototype Wookie, which resembled a bush-baby with fangs and pointy ears, was also scrapped in favour of the design we know and love, only to be revived years later as the inspiration for Zeb in the Star Wars Rebels animation.

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