8 Easy Steps To Make The Next Friday The 13th Great

7. Visuals We Haven't Seen

Friday the 13th The Final Chapter

One of the biggest faults of the original Friday films is their visual prowess. Thanks to the cheap budgets and tight filming schedules, the films never exactly felt as though they were being executed by technical masters of the craft. In fact, the vast majority of directors who have credits in the franchise were either relatively inexperienced or first-time directors.

A new Friday film would benefit from a more visionary eye behind the lens. The boundaries for horror cinematography have been truly expanded over the last couple of years with indie hits such as It Follows or The Witch. Blumhouse would be well-served in recruiting a keen visual eye who is able to do more than simply keep the camera on.

The other side of this issue is that the visual palette and locations of these films have always essentially been the same. Which is why it would be excellent to see some the locations we know and love changed up a bit. One of the concepts revealed from one of the many failed attempts in the last decade was that of a frozen-over Camp Crystal Lake with a story set in the winter.

This would be a wonderful way to inject some true originality into the visuals of the film and create a striking contrast.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.