8 Embarrassing Movie Roles Tom Hardy Probably Regrets

2. Rodders - Sucker Punch

No, not the over-the-top mess of a motion picture that was Zack Snyder's own Sucker Punch, but a different Sucker Punch entirely; a movie that is - believe it or not - even worse. This low budget tosh that has all the artistry of a year nine media project (seriously: it's awful) and clings to a dumb plot about a bare-knuckle fighter who teams up with a con artist involved in the underworld of backstreet boxers. Tom Hardy appears in the movie for... well, literally about 2 minutes, actually. And yet his name is plastered all over the DVD cover in a way that suggests he's actually main character in the film. He's really not. His character, Rodders, appears on screen to ask a man to pop open the boot of a car, and that's about it, really. You'd barely even know it was him. Given that Tom Hardy wasn't all that famous when Sucker Punch came out (the same year as Bronson) but is totally famous now, the studio have clearly decided to use his name as a selling point knowing full-well that he's not a major part of the film. It's likely, then, that Hardy feels a little bit annoyed that his name is being used to sell a movie he's barely in. Must've desperately needed the £20 they presumably paid him to appear.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.