1. Gene Hackman Bullied Everyone (Including Wes Anderson) - The Royal Tenenbaums
There's no denying that Gene Hackman has had a great and memorable film career, having appeared in some of the most iconic motion pictures of all-time, including The French Connection, Unforgiven, Superman, The Poseidon Adventure and The Royal Tenenbaums - which contains what is arguably his greatest ever performance. Despite that, though, Hackman reportedly caused a lot of trouble on the set of Wes Anderson's third movie, and spent most of his time between takes generally making everybody feel intimidated and uncomfortable - including the director. As co-star Angelica Huston tells it: "I was a lot scared but I was more concerned with protecting Wes," she said, before also adding that Hackman told Anderson to "pull up pants and act like a man" - which just isn't very nice, isn't it? Anderson himself also revealed that - on one notable occasion - the actor called him a "c*nt." Gwyneth Paltrow, who also appears in the film, also reported to have been afraid of Hackman. As a result, Anderson often opted to bring Bill Murray onto the set to keep things calm, because he had no fear when it came to a grouchy Hackman. Apparently Murray would stand from afar wearing a cowboy hat, looking on just to make sure things were okay. Which might just well have been the coolest thing to have ever happened.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.