8 Famous Directors With Oddly Specific Recurring Traits

8. Danny Boyle Removes Frames

Film I can€™t think of anyone who€™s had a more enviable career. Danny Boyle's started with revolutionising British cinema, saving it from period drama purgatory, then brought an English grittiness to the blockbuster, before bagging an Oscar and saving the Olympics. Even his lesser films - Millions and Sunshine (let's not mention The Beach) - are excellent films that would top a less talented director's resume. Since his entry into the stratosphere of director stardom with Slumdog Millionaire, a very specific trait has arisen in his films. In a stroke of what to an other director would have been madness, Boyle opted to use the age old trick of frame removal to create a jagged effect. And oddly enough it worked. Successfully creating the illusion of memories it helped instill Slumdog with the style necessary for it€™s Oscar haul. But he wasn't done there; it appeared again in 127 Hours, just before Aaron makes the rather painful fall and in the otherwise incredibly straight and clean Trance. It even popped up for a close up on the Queen€™s corgis for the Bond segment of the Olympic Opening Ceremony. Quite why Boyle has chosen to go with this technique at this point in his career is anyone€™s guess, but it€™s something that€™s still prevalent in his work five years after its, then sensical, introduction.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.