8 Famous Directors With Oddly Specific Recurring Traits

7. Sam Raimi Just Loves Bruce Campbell

Campbell Oz Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell were childhood friends, shooting Super 8 films together, so understandably their career€™s started in a similar vein, working together on the Evil Dead trilogy. As Raimi rose into blockbuster territory, Campbell remained in schlocky B-movies. But, always the chivalrous one, Raimi didn't forget his friend, bringing Campbell into many of his increasingly high profile films. Most notable among these are the Spider-Man films, where Campbell each time plays someone minorly influential in Peter Parker€™s journey (some fans even joked he was long gestating super villain in disguise). But no matter what film it was in, it highlights Raimi€™s humility; even with all his success he€™s still got time to honour his friends. What makes this a lot less noticeable is not only that Campbell's star has never left the realms of gore hounds, but that it's not overly consistent; Raimi couldn't use his friend in Drag Me To Hell due to scheduling conflicts. Raimi€™s brother Ted has also received cameos in many of his films, and even though he€™s nowhere near as cool as Bruce Campbell, it shows once again Raimi hasn't forgotten his roots.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.