8 Famous Directors With Oddly Specific Recurring Traits

2. George Lucas Can€™t Forget His First Film

1138rtoj Before he did Star Wars, George Lucas had already proven his filmmaking credentials with American Graffiti and (more importantly given it's sci-fi nature) the 1984 influenced THX 1138. An expansion of a film Lucas made as a student we follow the titular rebel and his attempt to escape from a world where androids are in complete control of humans. And he must have liked it, because he was still referencing it thirty years later. Of course the influence is obvious in THX, the company behind the audio on many DVDs and in cinemas, but the way we're talking about today shows Lucas being much more subtle (for once). In each of his films as director or writer the number 1138 appears, as either a background easter egg or hidden in a line of dialogue. In the image above are the references in the Star Wars films, but it also pops up in the Indiana Jones movies, American Graffiti, as well as many LucasArts video games. My personal favourite would be the number spoken in German over a radio in Raiders Of The Lost Ark, but the best hidden one has to be in Attack Of The Clones. Not discovered until long after the film€™s release, the number is emblazoned on the back of every clone troopers helmet in small lights.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.