8 Famous Directors With Oddly Specific Recurring Traits

1. Christopher Nolan's Protagonists Are All The Same

Nolan5 Christopher Nolan€™s had quite a career; he's only 42 but has managed to produce some of the defining films of the decade. The most popular Nolan joke is that he always uses actors over and over (Michael Caine's been in five of his films), but if you take a close look at the movies, there's a much bigger overarching theme. Nolan broke big with Memento, a story of a man dealing with the loss of his wife, which he followed up with a remake Norwegian film Insomnia, where we followed a man dealing with the loss of his partner. Once he hit big, he made the narrative bending The Prestige, as film about two men dealing with the loss of their respective wives and Inception, the tale of a man dealing with the loss of his wife. And through all this he was making the revolutionary Dark Knight Trilogy, a series of films that dealt with a protagonist coming to terms with the loss of his parents (and later love interest). Yup, there€™s no denying that the character motivations are exactly the same. But whereas a less talented director would have turned into identical films each time, Nolan has enough creativity to make a fresh concept from this similarity each time. While the themes can be linked, each of the films have their own feel, to the extent where this overarching trait is incredibly well hidden. Are there any more secret trait's of famous directors that you've noticed? Let us know in the comments below.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.