8 Famous Movie Scenes Created Completely By Accident

3. Brad Pitt Takes A Beating - Fight Club

Inglourious Basterds Melanie Laurent
20th Century Fox

A nihilistic, venomous, and darkly comic satire movie on the state of consumerism in America, Fight Club is a film student's wet dream when it comes to getting all political and wrapping it up in shiny violent packaging. On the surface to the rest of us mere mortals though, it's just a load of pumped up dudes smacking each other round the head for a couple of hours. And that becomes even more true when learning of Fincher's secret meddling to get the perfect shot, when capturing the initiation of the first ever fight club...

Getting Norton to alter a meek punch to the shoulder into a full swing at Brad Pitt's ear, Fincher got the most hilarious, and genuine, reactions from both his actors during a scene where they start a fight for the first time. Norton's cack-handed fist was completely off-putting for Pitt, who cries out in true pain from what's happening on set, the pair bumbling around before getting back into the swing of things and he can take some revenge.

Can't really blame Pitt for his squawk if that was the best poor Norty had got though.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.