8 Famous Movie Scenes Created Completely By Accident

2. Lemons - Wolf Of Wall Street

Inglourious Basterds Melanie Laurent
Paramount Pictures

If there's one scene that Wolf of Wall Street is going to be forever remembered for, it's this one. Featuring Leonardo DiCaprio as the finance savvy broker that makes his millions off defrauding wealthy investors - the self-titled wolf gets caught up in a heady concoction of yachts, sex, and drugs - with a heavy emphasis on the drugs part of that positively aspirational combination.

In an extended scene where DiCaprio and his right hand man Jonah Hill take far too many lemons for their own good; and by lemons, I of course mean Quaaludes and not the citrus fruit (or we'd have a very different movie), DiCaprio comes into his own.

Improvising his drug-induced full-body floppiness, DiCaprio created the entire trip sequence in one take, unable to do it again thanks to pulling his back on set. Making up the moment where he opens his car door with his foot - Scorsese luckily got everything he needed in one take, riding a wave of well calculated dumb luck at the heart of the movie.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.