8 Famous Movie Scenes That Were Created By Complete Accident

6. John Malkovich Cries Out In Pain During Being John Malkovich...Because A Drunk Extra Threw A Can At His Head

The plot of Being John Malkovich is absolutely bizarre. Seriously, it's difficult to imagine a film like this getting made nowadays. It tells the story of a puppeteer named Craig Schwartz who manages to discover a portal that leads directly into the head of...yeah, you guessed it, John Malkovich. Through this portal, Schwartz gets up to all kinds of no good, and understandably, Malkovich himself doesn't like it. The scene in question, then, sees Malkovich confronting Schwartz and then subsequently angrily leaving. While walking along the New Jersey freeway, someone calls out from a passing car €œHey Malkovich, think fast!€ and then chucks a beer can at him. According to the director Spike Jonze himself during the director's commentary, this moment absolutely wasn't in the script, and was caused by some extras sneaking beer onto the set and genuinely getting drunk. Malkovich's reaction, then €“ including his scream in pain, cradling his head and angrily dropping the F-Bomb €“ was entirely real, and caused by complete accident. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-lSUz0Hn10

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.