8 Famous Movie Villains Who Got Off Much Too Lightly

6. Shelob - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

ShelobLair Shelob is a big, terrifying spider creature that lives in the world of The Lord of the Rings, and a villain who causes a fair amount of trouble for our miniature heroes, Frodo and Sam, in the third and final movie, The Return of the King. Now I'm well-aware that Shelob is a character from a book, so director Peter Jackson probably didn't want to drift too far away from how this villain is depicted in the source material, but, c'mon, he had no problem doing that anywhere else. Which is to say, it would have been nice to see Sam kill 'Lob. In the novel, of course, Shelob retreats into her den after Sam wounds her, which is what happens in the movie, too. As a result, we never find out what happens to her. But Shelob has been terrorising the inhabits of Middle-Earth since forever, and she very nearly killed Frodo when she poisoned him with that lethal stinger of hers. The fact that she might've survived Sam's heroics isn't good enough for me, given all the poor men and woman (and orcs, even) who will probably wander into Shelob's Lair in the future and find her waiting in the shadows.

All-round pop culture obsessive.