8 Famous Movie Villains Who Got Off Much Too Lightly

3. Mr. Potter - It's A Wonderful Life

It's A Wonderful LifeIt's A Wonderful Life holds a place in every true movie-goer's heart as "that best Christmas movie," and the undeniable villain of the film is a man named Mr. Potter, whose life agenda seems to be to cause troubles, issues and problems for James Stewart's very suicidal George Bailey. As if he didn't have enough of his plate. The worst thing that Mr. Potter does, though, which ensures that he goes down in history as a douchebag of epic proportions, is when he steals an $8,000 deposit and keeps it so that Bailey will fall into bankruptcy. The movie, of course, opts to right this wrong by giving Mr. Potter his deserved comeuppance - later on in the film, he trips up and falls into a wood chipper. Or at least he would have, had I been the one writing this movie. In actuality, It's A Wonderful Life forgets about Mr. Potter completely. The last we see of this guy, he's being his usual ol' contemptuous self, and then... well, that's actually it. As a result, Mr. Potter remains one of very few movie villains who never gets what's coming to them in any way, shape or form. Can I get a "say what?"

All-round pop culture obsessive.