8 Films & 1 TV Show That Work Perfectly From Different Perspectives
7. Donnie Has Schizophrenia - Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko is an extraordinarily daring film, an enigma of a film that makes one ponder what is reality without being given any concrete answers. Unfortunately as the film has become more popular after its release, the more information has come from the film's Director and screenwriter, Richard Kelly, that has actually made it a weaker product. How so? By giving concrete answers to the film's unanswerable questions, and therefore giving clarity to the viewer, something we never wanted.
The film is much better viewed as not a puzzle to be solved, but rather an insight as to the world of a teen suffering schizophrenia. When viewed in this manner, the film is undoubtedly a masterpiece, and one would like to think that it was the initial intention of the Kelly. What makes the film so impressive when viewed through this lens is that we see how hard it is for a schizophrenic to decipher fact from fiction, reality from illusion, especially within the world of a teenage boy.
There is no doubt that some movies, including quite a few on this list, would benefit significantly from solving all the pieces of the puzzle. Yes, The Last Jedi, I'm looking at you! But with each Director's cut and explanation of time loops and multiple universes, the magic of Donnie Darko gradually disappears.