8 Films & 1 TV Show That Work Perfectly From Different Perspectives
8. The Wolves Are Metaphors For Death - The Grey
The most fascinating entry of this list, quite simply because this is exactly how the film is meant to be viewed. The film is an exploration of how people handle the inevitability of death, viewed from the perspective of survivors of a plane crash.
The 'wolves' are there waiting to take each of the weary men, and how each character handles this is both fascinating and absorbing throughout. From running away from it, being scared of it or charging towards it head on, the movie's ability to address how we deal with our mortality is supreme filmmaking.
Unfortunately the film was let down by an advertising campaign that tried to sell it as an action film, with Liam Neeson's character fighting wolves single handed. The trailer promised a light hearted nonsensical affair very much in the manner of the Taken franchise, which could not have been further from the truth. This led to many leaving the film greatly disappointed, especially when the much advertised fight scene between Neeson and Wolf wasn't even shown.
The greatest tragedy of this advertising campaign was that the true target audience, like people who read Whatculture and therefore appreciate high quality films, probably never bothered to watch the film at all. Instead a film that should have been considered for Oscars was seen as a let down for not being the popcorn entertainment it was advertised as.