8 Films & 1 TV Show That Work Perfectly From Different Perspectives
2. The Final Game Is A Drug-Fuelled Dream - The Club

This 1980 Australian classic comedy follows the intricacies of a popular football club and how club management handles a new high priced recruit who has significant 'substance abuse' issues. With superb performances from a cavalcade of the best Australian talent and a brilliant lead role from newcomer John Howard portraying the permanently high Ted Parker, the film kicks goals throughout its first two acts.
Unfortunately the film undoes a lot of its good work with a stinker of a final act that wreaks of a small budget. The directors attempt to cut from stock footage of senior football to Howard 'playing' football at a local park fails miserably, the finals scene proving unintentionally hilarious rather than the blockbuster heroic finale it was after. Unless that was the whole point all along.
The film actually works far better if we see Ted Parker's glorious performance as only occurring in his mind. It makes total sense in terms of the character as until the big final match he has shown no indication of developing as a team player or breaking his drug habit. The poor cinematography and editing then actually makes perfect sense, as it's actually Parker having a hallucinogenic dream rather than a film made on the cheap.