8 Films & 1 TV Show That Work Perfectly From Different Perspectives
1. Bran Was Evil And Manipulating Everyone - Game Of Thrones Season 8
While this may be primarily a film list, the final season of what was the greatest TV show in history until its woeful final misstep just had to be here. There are so many loose ends, so many skips of logic, so many dramatic character transformations that it was hard to believe it was the same show we'd grown to love.
In a valiant search to look for some meaning in the car crash that was the final season, only one thing makes any sense- Bran is just damn evil and has manipulated all the events that have transpired. Yes, it isn't stated at any time and this plot point would surely have been detailed if this was the grand plan all along, but it is also an idea that was never refuted.
There is a list's worth of plot points that make more sense with this new context, including Daenerys' complete personality change, Jon Snow's inaction, Tyrion's bizarre decision to make Bran king and everyone's accepting of this decision. Plus so, so so much more.
But what makes watching the season from this new context so validating as a fan of the show, is the feeling that it was worth all the emotional investment we'd all made after all.