8 Films That Suffered Horrendous Delays

1. Avatar Avatar Another James Cameron epic, the ideas that became Avatar were floating around Cameron's head from 1994 onwards. Famously it was thought Avatar was going to be a late 90s release, only for Cameron to decide that the technology wasn't ready for it. Instead, he concentrated on making the technology ready for it. DIY ethics, see? So while Avatar took an incredible amount of time to make, this in itself wasn't down to delays - rather, this was how long it took to break new ground. But with new ground comes nerves from the financiers, and sure enough Fox were tentative to say the least in their commitment. When filming started in 2007 the project had been alive in some form for 13 years, so the delays it experienced prior to release seemed fractional in comparison. Initially due for a May 2009 release, Cameron pushed this back to December to allow more time for post production. So, as with the sixth Harry Potter, not a horrendous delay, particularly considering the amount of blood, sweat and tears Cameron had poured into it over fifteen years of his life. But for those eagerly awaiting the May release (after four years of filming and post production) those extra seven months must have been tough. And with Avatar 2 already pushed back to 2015 (at the earliest), who knows how far the Avatar franchise will stretch into the 21st century.


Phil is a politics graduate interested in film, TV and tweeting Alan Partridge quotes to obscure British celebrities. He is currently reviewing every film he watches between Halloween 2013 and Halloween 2014 over on his blog - www.philfilmblog.blogspot.co.uk