8 Great Films That Never Should Have Worked

2. Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

napoleondynamitetots Here's a theory: Napoleon Dynamite is this generation's The Breakfast Club. Okay, so hopefully you haven't thrown your computer across the room in anger that I would say something so sacrilegious, but hear me out. Remember what a big deal this movie was? The "Vote for Pedro" t-shirts, constantly quoting it with your friends, or literally having full-body spasms whenever anyone even mentioned tater tots--against all odds, this movie was huge. The movie's plot is as simple as a plot can get: 3 teenage outcasts find each other and build a strong friendship. That's really it. Napoleon is a weirdo, yet everyone can relate to him. His frustration with bullies, high school in general, and his Uncle Rico (we all know an Uncle Rico, and if you don't--you're him). Nobody, I repeat, *nobody* ever could have predicted what a huge success Napoleon Dynamite was, but we should all be grateful that it happened.

Writer and college student at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. I love movies, music, television, and sharing my thoughts about culture in general.