8 Great Sci-Fi Movies With Only One Main Character (Most Of The Time)

3. I Am Legend (2007)

Under The Skin Scarlett Johansson
Warner Bros.

In the beginning and throughout most of the first two acts, I Am Legend is excellent. The Decaying shell of New York City looks incredible, the film is well-paced and acts as a perfect reminder of how good an actor Will Smith really is. He carries the film well, especially in the interactions with his canine companion.

The special effects get a pass, but only just, due to some dodgy CGI and character designs that looked dated even back then. Unfortunately, the film falters towards the end, upping the number of characters on screen, increasing the level of action and ramping up the use of the CGI effects.

Much like other screen adaptations of Richard Matheson's novel (The Omega Man, The Last Man on Earth), Smith's blockbuster version does take some liberties with the source material, but an alternate cut that follows the book's ending more closely is available. If you have the choice, that's the version to watch over the theatrical cut.


Christopher is a freelance pop culture writer, podcaster and self-confessed nerd from Scotland. He's also the owner, founder and editor at "The Head Scratcher" and a host of "The Scratch Cast" podcast. Visit www.theheadscratcher.com to find out more.