8 Greatest Ever Film Moments Featuring Pancakes

6. The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski Pancakes
Gramercy Pictures

A lot of movie recipes end up remade in real life, and The Big Lebowski's Lingonberry Pancakes usually features on such lists of gastronomic delights.

It's not the greatest moment for the public image of pancakes, as they are proved to be the German Nihilists' breakfast of choice, probably setting pancake PRs the world over back in their magnificent work, but the scene is another of the Coens' understated comic touches, thrown away but still very funny in a quirky way.

The implication of this scene is of course that the pancakes are the great healer - this scene is the first revelation that Aimee Mann's character was willing to cut off her toe for the sake of the kidnap plan, and the Lingonberry Pancakes are somehow a part of the ceremony.

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