8 Greatest Ever Film Moments Featuring Pancakes

5. (500) Days Of Summer

500 Days Of Summer Sid And Nancy
Fox Searchlight

An admirable, but wholly unjustified attempt to spoil pancakes for anyone who has ever enjoyed a romantic film, and The Graduate in particular.

To say that Tom doesn't take his break-up with Summer in the excellent indie romance well is something of an understatement: he is destroyed by Summer's heart stomp, and not only that, he leaves the diner she chooses as the destination for the end of their love without eating his pancakes. So not only is he emotionally under-nourished, he is also physically under-nourished and must contend with both a broken heart and an empty belly.

The pancakes are almost as beautiful as Summer, and in a chilling double-whammy, he is denied both. In many ways, they are the manifestation of his emotional sustenance and happiness, and their remaining uneaten says all we need to know about Tom's immediate emotional response to the break-up.

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