8 Hidden Movie Monsters (And What They Really Look Like)

5. The Thing - The Thing

Bird Box Monster
Universal Pictures

Now, I know what you're thinking. The Thing from The Thing is hardly a hidden movie monster, as we see it amalgamate people to its little alien heart's content as it rattles through an Antarctic research base turning humans and dogs alike into fine fleshy pulp - but have you stopped to think about what it REALLY started off as? Yes, we witness its grotesque warping of everything around it, but the Thing never shows us where it started off. The monster we see is simply a warped disguise at best.

The Thing itself is actually based on a science fiction novella titled 'Who Goes There?', and our good friend and author John W. Campbell Jr. is not as shrewd with his secrets as the film adaptations have been. In fact, we get a pretty clear description of what the monster is outside of its adaptive abilities - or at least, what it was before humans found it:

"The broken half of the bronze ice-ax was still buried in the queer skull. Three mad, hate-filled eyes blazed up with a living fire, bright as fresh-spilled blood, from a face ringed with writhing, loathsome nest of worms, blue, mobile worms that crawled where hair should grow."

This idea was taken for the 2011 movie, and implemented in deleted scenes that implied the Thing had assimilated an alien life form to fly its ship to our planet.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.