8 Hidden Movie Monsters (And What They Really Look Like)

4. Blair Witch - The Blair Witch Project

Bird Box Monster

And now for something a little different. Instead of an outright look at what this monster really is, this is an entry that rules out what she isn't - since the confused mythology of the films and wider lore has given quite the false impression of who the Blair Witch appears as. Never physically cropping up in the original movie, the later 2016 sequel decides to upend the unspoken rule of invisibility and deliver a monstrous look at what the witch could be - a stretched out, pale, impossibly tall creature more akin to films like [REC] and The Grudge than a true witch. Or at least, that's what audiences initially thought.

It turns out that director Simon Barrett wanted his iteration of the witch to utilise her victim's bodies to terrify those that came into her woods, with the long-limbed monster a direct play on Elly Kedward's body - but not necessarily indicting her as the witch. Barrett believes that the witch came before Kedward, stating the mythology 'predating' her was a part of his construction in the film.

The Blair Witch uses her victims as puppets then, and there's been no true form actually revealed in any of the movies, and likely none ever actually to be discovered thanks to this devious ability. Who she is, and what she is, will forever remain a mystery.

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