8 Hilarious Prop F*ck-Ups In Movies

5. Twin Peaks - Overpopulation

the prisoners mistakes

Now all of you Twin Peaks fans are going to get annoyed with me right now as yes, of course, Twin Peaks is a TV show first and foremost - however I raise you that in fact the pilot episode bore an extended European version that ran as a standalone TV movie. And within this TV movie is the funny f*ck-up I speak of.

The population misinformation on Twin Peak’s famous sign is a subject of much discussion within the fanbase. Artist Steven LaRose is the man responsible for the design of the now widely-recognised sign, having thrown the design together in a matter of hours thinking little of it. He was given the brief of “Pacific Northwest Cheesy” to work around, making sure to acknowledge the books’ existing canon by listing the population as a modest 5120. There arose a problem with this when ABC execs got their hands on the episode. They worried that America didn’t have an appetite for small-town drama, and noted that they were very unhappy with the population figure listed on the sign.

It was thus digitally changed to multiply the figure tenfold, making Twin Peak’s new populace a bustling 51,201. This was an intentional change on the part of the studio but it fundamentally fucked things up because it didn’t make any sense. Dialogue still refers to it as a tiny town “a long way from the world,” whereas a population that large would’ve made it one of the state’s largest cities.

As the TV movie version was made from the same footage edited for the show, they share this mistake.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.