8 Hilarious Prop F*ck-Ups In Movies

4. Prisoners - Jake’s Gyllenhaal’s Computer

the prisoners mistakes
Warner Bros.

What makes this particular prop f**k up funny is not any screaming error which you can immediately place. Instead the hilarity comes from the fact that on just this one prop computer there are so many tiny errors that they add up to one big mess.

This 2013 thriller is serious through and through; centring around the abduction of a small child, the tone is inevitably dark. Our central Detective Loki at one point turns to the internet to aid in his investigations, studying a web page titled ‘palocalnews.net.’

Though you may be focused on Gyllenhaal (me too), if you look at the page itself you’ll spot a myriad of small mistakes. In the top left quarter of the page, along the options bar of the site, you’ll notice the opinion tab - only someone clearly forgot to run a spell-check on it because instead it reads ‘opnion.’

At the same time you can look to the bottom right to find who more mistakes. First you’ll see a red cross over the network icon showing that, despite Loki’s web-surfing, he’s not connected to the internet. Just next to this the date is displayed as 2/27/13. The film, however, is set before Christmas.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.