8 Hilarious Prop F*ck-Ups In Movies

3. Red Dragon - The Mrs Doubtfire VHS

the prisoners mistakes
Universal Pictures

Usually there’s nothing particularly hilarious about small anachronistic mistakes in films. Oh you saw a 1972 car model in a movie that’s set in 1969? Wow - big whoop. The anachronism isn’t what makes it funny, it needs a little something extra, a bit of spice.

In actuality there are far more egregious temporal mistakes in the film that what I’m going to cite, including reliance on DNA technology that wasn’t invented yet and several props (including a flag and a holster) that should’ve looked entirely different.

It’s not funny though that they used the wrong Georgia state flag, it IS funny though that the whole 1980 timeframe of the film is betrayed by the inclusion of the Robin Williams hit family movie Mrs Doubtfire.

About half an hour into the film we see the Leeds’ family’s VHS collection, and spotted amongst more suitable movies is Mrs Doubtfire: a movie that didn’t come out for another 13 years after the film was set.

For Hannibal Lecter’s realism downfall to come at the hands of the beloved nineties PG comedy Mrs Doubtfire is unbearably good.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.