8 Horror Movie Characters That Stupidly Turned Evil In The Sequel

6. Kirsty Cotton - Hellraiser Hellseeker (2002)

Resident Evil Jill
Dimension Home Video/Miramax Films

First introduced in the original film, Kirsty Cotton (Ashley Laurence) was the personification of innocence who managed to thwart the sadistic Cenobites after duping her murderous uncle before going through hell and back in the sequel.

Kirsty would later re-appear in the sixth instalment, Hellseeker, when the franchise began to run out of steam. Here, she’s married to Trevor (Dean Winters) and is believed to have been killed in a car crash which leaves Trevor with amnesia and the prime suspect surrounding Kirsty’s disappearance. From herein, much of the plot follows Trevor as he experiences a series of twisted hallucinations until the truth is finally revealed.

It transpires that Trevor was cheating on Kirsty and planned to kill her by tricking her into opening the hellish puzzle box. But before Kirsty’s taken by the Cenobites, she makes one more deal with Pinhead to give him five souls in exchange for her own. In a move completely out of character, Kirsty murdered Trevor's mistresses and friend as well as the cheating husband himself out of revenge.

While seeing Laurence reprising the role of the iconic final girl was a treat for Hellraiser fans, the character we got wasn’t the Kirsty we remembered.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.