8 Horror Movies That Give Away Their Own Endings

3. Goodnight Mommy - Lukas' Death Is Shown At The Start

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Despite it being the central premise of the film early on, whether the woman behind the bandages in Goodnight Mommy is the real mother or not doesn't matter in the end. That's because this is misdirection to hide the real big reveal: that twin Lukas has been dead all along.

But what if I told you that this wasn’t a reveal at all, and that you literally watched him die right at the start..?

In the very first scene we see the two brothers out playing in the grass behind their house. They venture down to the water and go for a swim, with Elias floating on a raft but Lukas out in the open.

Lukas dives under the water and after a few seconds he doesn’t come up. Elias calls his name and looks around but we never see his brother come back up from the water. Maybe he drowns right there and then.

Witnessing his brother drown and being unable to save him would be incredibly traumatic for Elias, perhaps explaining why he goes on to hallucinate his brother’s presence. Alternatively people have read this scene as a clear illustration of Lukas already being dead and just a hallucination: Elias calls out his name and he has suddenly disappeared because he was never really there.

Either way this scene gives away something that is meant to be a massive surprise at the end because, even if we still don’t know about the mother’s fate, we’ve known that Lukas is dead all along.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.