8 Horror Movies That Give Away Their Own Endings

2. Shaun Of The Dead (And The Whole The Cornetto Trilogy)

Midsommar 1
Universal Pictures

I couldn’t dedicate three separate entries to these films but they all deserved a mention as horror-comedy legends. It seems to be a staple of Edgar Wright’s movies to give away their ending, or at least heavily foreshadow it, in their first half.

Shaun of the Dead is absolutely rife with foreshadowing and funny ways of describing exactly what is going to happen in the film. One of the best examples of this is when Ed accidentally tells us the entire plan of the film: “a Bloody Mary first thing”, referring to the zombie called Mary they kill in the backyard, “a bite at the King's Head” referring to Phillip getting unfortunately chomped, “couple” (David and Di) “at The Little Princess” (Liz), “stagger back here” referring to how they pretend to be zombies to get back to the Winchester, and “bang, back at the bar for shots”, lo and behold they use the Winchester’s gun to fend off zombies.

In Hot Fuzz, amongst plenty of other clever hints, the Chief Inspector literally gives away that he is a bad guy in conversation with Nicholas. Angel points out that he can’t just make people disappear, to which he replies, “of course I can, I’m the Chief Inspector.”

Much of the other dialogue hints at later events, similar to how in The World's End each of the pubs' names do the same. The Old Familiar sees the gang meet up with an old friend, the Cross Hands sees the first encounter with Blanks (who use their hands as weapons), even the Hole in the Wall sees Steven literally drive into the wall of the pub to rescue his friends.

Another interesting thing that I missed on my first watch was that all of the Blanks wear blue, including those who are destined to become Blanks later in the film. The more you know!


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.