8 Horror Movies That Give Away Their Own Endings

1. Midsommar

Midsommar 1

Unsurprisingly we're back on Ari Aster for the second time in this list, now taking the number one spot.

We all know that Aster likes to go heavy on the symbolism and hidden messages, and Midsommar is the prime example.

Only he could get away with showing a tapestry depicting the entire plot of the film right at the start. Panel by panel, the artwork shows the events starting from the death of Dani’s family right through to the end of the film, where all of her friends are dead - including boyfriend Christian - and she goes on to dance and feast with the community. There’s even a little reference to that horrible cliff-jumping scene hiding in the background.

The murals throughout the film detail everything, it seems: from a crowned girl caressing a kind of surprised-looking bear, the beast being burned and even an image of the mating ritual hanging above Christian’s bed foretelling what he will do.

The whole plot can be pieced together just by looking at the art, but it can also be so easily overlooked in terms of the actual messages because the aesthetic blends so easily into the Scandanavian setting.

Once again Aster has turned foreshadowing into an absolute art.

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