8 Horror Movies Where An Actor Dies BEFORE Their Opening Credit!

1. Jean Marsh - The Changeling

Fear Street Maya Hawke
Pan-Canadian Film Distributors

1980's cult supernatural horror film The Changeling begins with an absolutely dread-soaked sequence in which protagonist John Russell (George C. Scott) is having car trouble while driving with his wife Joanna (Jean Marsh) and daughter Kathy (Michelle Martin).

What's at first a fun inconvenience as the trio push their broken-down car through the snow quickly turns nightmarish when John goes to a payphone to call for assistance, and his wife and daughter are suddenly killed in a freak car accident.

Despite Jean Marsh appearing on-screen for scarcely more than a minute and saying a small handful of lines, she's still given prominent "and" billing at the end of the credits, in a notably larger font than most of her co-stars no less. Hollywood contracts sure are something else.

All the same, Marsh is one of The Changeling's more recognisable cast members, so it at least makes some semblance of sense.

Plus, her character's death at least motivates the entire rest of the movie, as John is haunted by a paranormal presence while attempting to move on with his life.

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