8 Horror Movies Where An Actor Dies BEFORE Their Opening Credit!

2. Maya Hawke - Fear Street: Part One - 1994

Fear Street Maya Hawke

The first entry into Netflix's Fear Street trilogy kicks off with an obvious homage to the Scream franchise, whereby a top-billed actress of note gets unexpectedly killed off in the very opening scene.

Nodding to Drew Barrymore's surprise demise in the first Scream, Stranger Things star Maya Hawke is introduced as apparent protagonist Heather Watkins.

After closing up the mall bookstore where she works, Heather is attacked by a masked assailant, who at the end of a protracted chase fatally stabs her through the chest, before himself being shot through the head by a cop.

The image of Heather's lifeless face even segues directly into the snazzy opening titles, where Hawke receives joint seventh billing among the ensemble cast.

While Hawke's suddenly curtailed appearance was clearly tipping its hat to Scream, it also went one step further by actually crediting Hawke in the titles, whereas Scream traditionally hasn't featured any opening credits beyond flashing up each movie's title.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.