8 Horror Movies Where The Villain Is Really The Hero

5. Scream 2 - Mrs. Voorhees

Hannibal Lecter Silence Of The Lambs
Dimension Films

Laurie Metcalf's Mrs. Voorhees - yes, a name inspired by Jason's mother Pamela - would be revealed to be one of the two killers at the centre of Scream 2. That's not to say that Mrs. Voorhees was necessarily the stereotypical vile, evil, sinister villain that we've for so long seen across the horror genre over the decades.

Mrs. Voorhees is a character who, like so many others, is the hero of her own story and is also someone who can be viewed as the hero of the piece by outside eyes.

When we see the reveal of Mrs. Voorhees as one of Scream 2's killers, we then have her motive laid out in front of us. And, truth be told, it's an extremely understandable rationale.

For Mrs. Voorhees, her story is one that involves her husband having an affair with with Maureen Prescott - the daughter of franchise headliner Sidney - before the break-up of her marriage was followed up by her son being killed.

If you sprinkled that narrative with the right amount of suggestion, it's an almost heroic tale for Mrs. Voorhees to be on a mission to find the person who a) murdered her son, and b) whose mother was responsible for the disintegration of her marriage and family unit.

Likewise, you could make an argument for Roman Bridger having a hero arc in Scream 3. Abandoned as a child, then rejected by his mother upon making contact with her in later life, Roman's M.O. was to get payback for that rejection.

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Senior Writer

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