8 Horror Movies You Didn't Know Were Connected

2. Bride Of Chucky And Just About Every Slasher Ever

Jason Necronomicon
Universal Pictures

If you have a taste for spooky movies, it's likely a certain evidence locker in Bride of Chucky will have caught your eye. Packed full of every possible horror movie franchise they could safely rip off, there's Jason's mask from Friday the 13th, the chainsaw from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Freddy's glove from A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Michael Myers's mask from Halloween shoved in a cage and left to collect dust.

I suppose it's better than them being used to tear people limb from limb like usual, but still, it's almost kind of sad. A collection of slashers beaten and rendered nothing more than their most memorable parts after their films have all but run their course.

If that wasn't enough meta commentary, Chucky also makes the wry comment of "Why does that look so familiar?" when launching an airbag full of nails into a mans head - a sly reference to the lead cenobite of Hellraiser. The evidence locker is arguably missing only Pinhead's lament configuration, and presumably the whole locker was brought together by a fanatical police detective to have it all turn up in the same place.

In Hellraiser: Inferno, the links come full circle: such a detective is the protagonist of the movie and comes into ownership of the configuration early on. A continuation of the reference, perhaps, he could be the one behind such a collection.

Hellraiser Inferno

Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.