8 Horror Movies You Didn't Know Were Connected

3. Gremlins And The Howling

Jason Necronomicon

A small but identifiable link between the two horror movies, a news reporter is the connection between a world inhabited by transformative Mogwais and viscous werewolves. When you think about, it makes sense - they both turn into destructive monsters in the dead of night. And they're both quite furry.

What makes this connection all the more appealing is that the news reporter himself is a fictional character named Lew Landers, played by Jim McKrell.

Lew Landers Gremlins The Howling
Warner Bros.

Utilised by director Joe Dante in both his movies as a little in-joke for those that spot him, his appearance is joined by references to the smiley faces in The Howling, stuck to the fridge in Gremlins too.

Combining the two movies is a fun gimmick, but plays up to the idea that the moon might have more transformative powers than we think in Dante's universe. Interestingly enough, Lew Landers was a real-life film and TV director with a backlog of horror movies under his belt, meaning that he now lives on in Dante's own creations as a parody of his own life's work.

That, or he lives on in a parallel universe where these monstrous appearances are truly possible...


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.