8 Incredibly Iconic Items In Great Movies

2. Wilson - Cast Away

Castaway5 When you are stranded on an island for years with nothing more than a volleyball and your decaying sanity to keep you company, no one is going to complain if you talk to yourself. Wilson may be one of the few items on this list that has an actual name to represent human personification. That indeed should sound crazier than it seems. Cast Away, if you do not already know, follows Chuck Noland after he becomes stranded on an island for, give or take, five years. This may sound like a simple plot, but when you add in the emotional and passionate acting ability of Tom Hanks, this story of survival becomes a story of retaining your sanity and self as Chuck dissolves and breaks into a broken and lonely man with only a blood stained volleyball for company. Naming the ball Wilson, Chuck holds conversations with Wilson, somehow actually creating an on screen relationship that makes you care as an audience member. While it is just simply a ball, Wilson easily molds into the plot as a character all on its own.

From filling an empty stomach to sleeping in until noon, Chris Combs ensures to enjoy all of life's simple pleasures. Poet, explorer, and all around gentlemen. This scholar is a pop-culture melting pot of useless information that would win any game of trivial pursuit. Follow him on Twitter to get inside his mind @OrganicChris23